My kids sit down at a computer, sniff it a few times, and then they're off and running: blogging, facebooking, tweetering and twitting, myspacing--it just doesn't matter what task presents itself, their little computer genes kick in and they can do it all. I, on the othger hand, a Phi Beta Kappa who graduated Suma Cum Laude from graduate school with a 4.0 have been known to have difficulty figuring out how to turn the damn thing on. If someone asks me how much memory I have, or launches into a diuscussion about pixels or mega-bites, mini-bites or over-bites, I have perfected this disdainful look which I hope suggests that the relationahip between my computer and myself is a very personal, private affair: one I don't talk about with very many people. Actually, I don't talk about it with any people. On occasion, my dog and I will dsicuss it but only because she's perhaps the only living creature in the entire world who knows less about computers than I do. Makes me feel smart.
Now that I'm a blogger, I've decided I need to learn something about what it is I'm doing. I've got a number of tabs snickering at me at the top of this page, waiting. I don't have any Comments but what happens if I ev er do? And Settings--I'm supposed to do soemthing with that tab, aren't I. Likewsie, Design and Monetize and Stats will all undoubtedly require attention in the future. And I still haven't figured out what a Dashboard is. Guess I'll go looking for a blogger tormorrow and try to find out if this is going to be worth the effort.
Going to bed now and really hope I sleep tonight. I wonder how long it will take for me to get back to normal? Good night, all.
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