Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Casey Anthony

So, so much national outrage could be avoided in the future if we make a few changes to the way we try high profile cases. If we've learned anything from the Anthony case, it's that the jury has no business in the courtroom. Instead, each man and woman on the jury should be sequestered in his or her hotel room and not allowed out until the trial is over and it's time to deliberate. Instead of forcing these 12 carefully selected in dividuals to sit in a Court of Law listening to evidence, they should be court-ordered to remain in their hotel rooms listening to commentarties by Nancy, Joy and Drew, over and over again, each day of the trial. Clearly, doing things more traditionally doesn't work. I am convinced that if the Anthony jurrists hadn't been exposed to the evidence they would have been able to focus entirely on "tot mom's" character as described by the media. Undoubtedly, without the evidentuary distractions, the Anthony jury would have gotten it right: found her guilty of aggravated murder and agreed with the proscution that death was the only appropriate sentence. 

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